Seneca Moss Reynolds is a premier personal stylist, designer, and all together creative guru sharing her talents in South Florida and beyond. She has always had a passion for design and fashion, which began with her career working as a celebrity wardrobe stylist. Her clients included Denise Richards, Angelina Jolie, and Molly Sims. Seneca was also a Fashion Editor for Cosmopolitan and InStyle Magazines when she resided in New York City. In addition, she was a contributing voice for “Fashion Police,” in Los Angeles for E! Entertainment.

Eventually, Seneca returned to Florida to open her business called “My Favorite Finds” where she was able to share her love for fashion, health, and more with Palm Beach locals. Now, she has transitioned her keen eye and fashionable talents in a different creative realm: designing and curating dream homes. Creating notable homes in highly desirable areas, Seneca brings beautiful visions to life through her meticulous efforts and passion for all things exquisite. 


First and foremost, thank you for being here! Getting this business off the ground has been nothing short of fun and hard work, so having you as my audience is an absolute pleasure! Between starting SMR Consulting and pursuing my real estate license, I am truly loving bringing beautiful visions to life in all forms.

Over the years, whether it has been in Palm Beach, Los Angeles, New York City, and anywhere in between, my love and passion for design and fashion has been the driving force in all I do. I now reside in South Florida with my incredible daughter Chandler, and our sweet pup Issie. We are blessed with the sunshine and salt water at our fingertips and will always call this home.

Life is unexpected, ever-changing, and always moving and so am I. My experience has ranged from all ends of the spectrum, whether it be fashion editor, personal stylist, or most recently, Non-profit work, and getting to where I am now would not have been possible without all the changes and experiences I have had. Now that I have come to a settling place of what I want to be doing, I am so excited to share it with you all!

SMR Consulting is based upon my love for fashion, design, and my favorite finds. I look forward to hearing from you and all that you are desiring creatively. I vow to bring all aspects of exquisite beauty to the table when assisting you in your projects.

All my best,